
A summation of resources that were hugely useful for me.

Please be reminded:

  • Untruth Is Every Where Truth Is

  • For WE ARE Living in the Age Of Deceit,

  • And Deception Hidden In Plain Site/Sight is the name of the game.

  • But I must share to you some of the resources I was led to. And not all the teachings agree with "the Torah and the Testimony" -- the only Standard prescribed by the Scriptures. So Beware!,

  • But if one Has "come out of" *her* -- Any Known Religions, Churches, or Denominations. One can Appreciate how the Ruach YHWH leads one to the truths, Serendipity. One shall be able to discern truths and untruths, even if the adversary mixes them. And we can all grow in the love of the Father and the Son. Because the "dogmas" are cast off.

  • The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

    FROM THIS WORLD TO That which is to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a DREAM Wherein is Discovered, The manner of his setting out, His Dangerous Journey; And safe Arrival at the Desired Country.

    Wikipedia: Synopsis
    PDF: The Pilgrim's Progress Part I & II
    AUDIO: The Pilgrim's Progress Part I & II

Current Events

Electronic "ekklēsia" and "small group" Assembly | Live Stream and Radio

Mystery Babylon: The Conspiracy: Bible Prophecy

Some sources that may help you understand some of the allusions I may have pointed out in some of the essays of this blog.

End Times Prophecies Unfolding

Christian Philosphy

[Added 12 Dec 2014] -- Defend Biblical Christianity, Apologetics, Bible Questions
By William Lane Craig
[Found and added 12 Dec 2014]

Scholarly Articles | ReasonableFaith

Popular Articles | ReasonableFaith

Does God Exist | Popular Articles | ReasonableFaith

Learning Refresher To "Rightly Divide The Word Of Truth"

Hebrew Roots

Siddur -- "Order"

NOTE: I was looking for Messianic Hebrew Roots Siddurim which keep the Lunar Shabbats and Rosh Chodesh based on the Luni-Solar Calendar of the Scripture. I still have not found one yet. I have found the following instead, these are Messianic Jewish Siddurim. And recently added A Jewish Siddur at the end.

Please note: Some of these prayers dates back to the time of Ezra. But it was standardize in Babylon during the captivity because of the mixed languages, the Rabbis noticed that the children can not speak any language straight. So it was written for all to preserve the language and the order of prayer and worship.

Bible Study


Back To The Torah -- A Third Way Between Judaism and Christianity

[Found and Added 11 Dec 2014]

Lunar Sabbath

[Found 20 Nov 2014, added 23 Nov 2014]


[Found 18 Nov 2014, added 23 Nov 2014]

The Hebrews/Israelites

[Found , added 12 Dec 2014]



[Found , added 23 Nov 2014]

Bible Readers

Torah Readings

Every Shabbat (Sabbath), we are admonished to go to the Synagogue to read and learn More about the Torah. Myself, I do it at home, personally. After which I listen to the "Electronic Ekklesia" -- Assembly. Or do some research and study. Here are links to some Torah reading guides.

Please check this page from time to time for any updates.

YHWH Bless You!!!

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