Friday, June 21, 2013

Restoration of All Truths

Updated: June 2, 2015

Remember the Torah (Instructions or Teachings of YHWH) of My servant Moshe [Moses] which I commanded him in Horeb (aka Mt. Sinai) for all Israel, the statutes and judgments (or Decrees were what was nailed to the Stake, and Grace covered these Decrees or Judgments UNTIL the Judgment Day where These Decrees will take effect.).
(Mal 4:4 HRB)

Behold, I am sending you (the spirit or vital principle of) EliYah [Elijah] the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day (The Great Tribulation, aka The Four Winds of Revelation, aka The Wrath of YHWH, aka The Last 7 Plagues) of YHWH [YaHuWaH].
(Mal 4:5 HRB)

And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers (reconciliation), that I not come and strike the earth with utter destruction.
(Mal 4:6 HRB)