Pyramids -- there was given to him to give spirit to the image of the
beast, that the image of thebeastshould both speak and cause to be killed as many as would not worship the image of thebeast.
(Rev 13:15 The Scriptures 1998+)
The Purpose of this Site is to Echo the Restoration Truths As Lightened from the Torah and the Testimony; for those who Love the Truth. Love the Torah? Love YHWH? Please Share. Like. G+. Tweet. Shalom!
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Pyramid (Enemy) Unveiled
Saturday, December 21, 2013
New Hope! HalleluYah!!!
HalleluYah! Chorus - by Andre Rieu - Youtube --
"There is no piece of music that give you more joy, more hope ... may this piece of music give you a new hope." --
Andre Rieu
Monday, December 16, 2013
The Origin Of Christmas
Once your eyes have been opened - you may never view Christmas the same again!!
... was December 25th really Jesus' birthday? Maybe YES! After the Well Known Pagan Convention of Constantine in 325AD, where Christianity and Jesus was born. But Certainly NOT Yahushua HaMashiach's Birthday. Have you ever wondered why we decorate the Christmas tree, put lights up around the house, and why we teach our children to believe in St. Nicholas, or Santa and his magical reindeer?
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Great Tribulation
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Angels Coming To The Stadium
I Saw Angels Decending From Heaven - Youtube -- See the video clip below: Is the Beast about to Rise!!!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Shma Israel (Kshehalev Boche)
Shma Israel (Kshehalev Boche) -- When The Heart Cries
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The Three Days Of Darkness
Channukah and thanksgiving will not align for another 75, 000 years. It is essentially a "once in a lifetime" occurrence. These are two different calendars aligning. Do you believe that Yah is speaking to us in an adulterated language (calendar) we have adopted or a random occurrence that is a deception in action?
-- Lydia - - -
Monday, November 25, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Paradox
(John 14:6 The Scriptures 1998+) יהושע said to him, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
(John 6:44 The Scriptures 1998+) “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. And I shall raise him up in the last day.
No one comes to the Father but through the Son, and no one can come to the Son except the Father draws him to the Son. (Please see Enter Into His Rest)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Pyramid Is The Image Of The Beast
The "image" of the beast IS the World Power Today. It is not the beast. It is not America.
This morning, 21 Oct 2013, before I got up in bed, I had these thoughts came to my mind on Revelation 13:13-17 that we are living in these passages today.
I was perplexed myself but then as I was praying to start the day off, the account of how Eve was deceived, and the command they disobeyed came through my thoughts and these gave me the understanding.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The "Comforter"
Let us dig into "rightly dividing" of the words "spirit" and "comforter" in the Bible.
And Yahushua will ask the Father, and He will give us another "Helper"G3875,
(John 14:16 The Scriptures 1998+) “And I shall ask the Father, and He shall give you another HelperG3875, to stay with you forever –
Please, whisper a prayer and ask the Father in the name of Yahushua Messiah, for understanding on this subject. Ahmein!!!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Contentions In The Names
The Restoration Of All Truths movement
The Hebrew Roots
Babylon Is Confusion
How many of Christendom have not heard of the Restoration of the Name of the Father and the Son? It's been a while for me to have visited a church to hear a sermon, so I would not even know if some preachers and teachers out there are even teaching and preaching about it. So I'm guessing only those who are really, actively searching for truths in these last days will find these messages. I found these messages myself when I started looking and checking and verifying and investigating the doctrines taught by a church. I found these messages in the Internet.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Understanding Pain
How To Build Stepping Stones ~ 1-2
Earlier I have shared about the tight connection of Integrity and Success. Once we realized this, we also begin to realized many things interconnected. Things that do not seem to be important to one's success image or success viewpoint. So we discard them as unnecessary unknowingly. And these Things build up on top of another.
Friday, August 30, 2013
How To Know If A Bible Doctrine Is True
How To Find Truth In The Midst of Contentions?
How To Clear Biblical Teachings The Biblical Way?
What does the Bible say about clearing confusions?
Truth is also everywhere untruth is.
As a seeker of truth, how should you go about finding which is the truth? If you have found yourself reading this piece, the Ruach YHWH has brought you here.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The "Spirit" in the Bible
The doctrine of The Trinity has the "godhead" painted as a three-in-one deity and the "spirit" is the other person in the "godhead". In this study, let us dissect the word "spirit" from its roots.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Success and Integrity
Success can be anything and tied to any endeavors of one's life depending on any one's basic purpose. Success cannot really be measured. But money however is tied to measuring one's success. This however, can be true or false.
All good things just happened at the right time of one's striving. This is what I have learned. And I have also found out that that is also connected to one's own Integrity and Honesty. So the right time is that time when one has confronted one's own failures and recognized one's own faults and make a resolution to turn a 180-degrees.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Is Man Basically Evil or Is Man Basically Good
Let us test our Basic Instinct first.
When you walk on the streets around your neighborhood, or in the mall and looking at the faces of people you see. Can you remember? What do you see? Do you see evil? Do you see good? Do this and observe yourself as well, observe yourself. What you feel. How you feel. Note the intensity. Note your thoughts.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Is The Leviathan The Dracorex?
(Job 41:1 HRB) Can you draw out the leviathan with a hook, or hold down his tongue with a cord?
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Enter into His Rest
(Heb 4:9 The Scriptures 1998+) So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim.
(Heb 4:10 The Scriptures 1998+) For the one, having entered into His rest, has himself also rested from his works, as Elohim rested from His own.
(Heb 4:11 The Scriptures 1998+) Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience. (Heb 3:18)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The Evolution of the "Godhead"
In this study, I hope to show a simple exercise in clearing the "Godhead" after the rules I shared in Learning How To Learn and How To Build Stable Data.
Monday, July 22, 2013
What Significance Is The "Godhead" To Our Worship?
One of my stops in proving the doctrines taught me, was the "Godhead". Using only the simple tools I have -- e-Sword Bible Reader with all the free resources one can download, and the English dictionaries available online, Wikipedia, Google search and the Rules in Learning How To Learn and How To Build Stable Data that I have shared in this blog.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The Bible: How It Became My Stable Data
Many had been written about The Bible already. The Bible is the single most translated book of ancient religions. No other book can compare. I am not a Bible Scholar or an expert of the Bible, nor am I a Bible Teacher. I have yet much to learn of the Bible and from it. I am just an ordinary person who have come to know the truths of the Bible and cleared it to be my Stable Data. I am just motivated to share how I did that using the basic tools I also come to learn, the rules or principles in: Learning How To Learn and How To Build Stable Data.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Barriers To Learning
Absence of Mass and Significance
The first barrier to learning is Absence of Mass and Significance or simply Absence of Mass.
Mass is the physical things and objects. Significance is the objects and things we have attention or importance in our minds. Such as our thoughts, the plot of the book we are reading, the plans we are making in our minds, theories, anything we have going on in mind that we have not put into writing yet.
Learning How To Learn
The Objective of Learning
And Applying To Studying The Bible
The objective of learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skill of something by study, practice or experience or by being taught.
These are the rules I use to acquiring knowledge or skills of anything I have ever learned. Including studying the Bible.
Any one can use these rules in learning just about anything one will set focus on. Including studying the Bible.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Pronouncing The Creator's Name
I personally choose to use these forms of HaShem (The Name) - YHWH for the most part and for most of the time because, almost all followers of The Way are already familiar with. When I like to give the hint of the name and approximation of pronunciation I used this spelling YaHuWaH or Yahuwah, because it is readily recognizable by virtue of the four letters present. Very rarely I use this form of spelling Yahuah. If I do, it is to convey that this is how I pronounce HaShem. However, there is no standard english spelling of HaShem. The most important thing to remember about the restoration of HaShem is we are proclaiming His Name with the approximation of Hebrew pronunciation. HalleluYah!!!Truth In The Age Of Deceit
Since I got bitten by the "Seeking-The-Truth" bug, I ended up with studying the Bible. Studying the Bible is quite a challenge. Specially that we are in the "Age of Deceit". Information from energy, physics, education, church, religion, politics and government and most importantly spiritual matters are covered up or muddled with deceit. While the subject of study itself is already quite a challenge to most people.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Restoring The Creator's Name
The Creator's Name
The Messiah's Name
Friday, June 21, 2013
Restoration of All Truths
Remember the Torah (Instructions or Teachings of YHWH) of My servant Moshe [Moses] which I commanded him in Horeb (aka Mt. Sinai) for all Israel, the statutes and judgments (or Decrees were what was nailed to the Stake, and Grace covered these Decrees or Judgments UNTIL the Judgment Day where These Decrees will take effect.).
(Mal 4:4 HRB)Behold, I am sending you (the spirit or vital principle of) EliYah [Elijah] the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day (The Great Tribulation, aka The Four Winds of Revelation, aka The Wrath of YHWH, aka The Last 7 Plagues) of YHWH [YaHuWaH].
(Mal 4:5 HRB)And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers (reconciliation), that I not come and strike the earth with utter destruction.
(Mal 4:6 HRB)